De-Methanizer Column
Evaluation of base case feed composition based on turbo-expander capability
Determine column performance based on current field pressure profile
De-Ethanizer Column
Tie-ins for de-ethanizer top product to sales gas
Hydraulic load study of stripping and rectification section
De-Propanizer column
Simulation of 3 different operating modes
Review of condenser and reboiler capacities
Study to increase reboiler temperature by 5 deg C
De-Butanizer column
Study of de-butanizer operation mode switching to de-propanizer
Review of overhead cooler capacity relating to feed rate
MEROX caustic sweetening unit
Design basis for caustic carryover
Review oxidizer, disulfide separator and storage unit designs
Hydraulic review for entire frac. facility
Review pumping capacities and rates for various products C3, C4, C3/C4 mix and C5+
Design of OSBL (outside boundary limits) piping
New storage bullets and pump